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Algorithmic Forex Trading: How to increase your profits with technology?

Algorithmic Forex Trading: How to increase your profits with technology?

Ольга Ларина
07-19-2024, 08:13 AM
Algorithmic Forex trading is an automated method that uses computer programmes to trade currencies based on a predetermined set of rules. The theoretical benefits of using algorithmic trading include eliminating trader emotion, increasing market liquidity, and the ability to trade much more often and faster than a human could. The rules defined in an algorithmic trading programme can be based on price, time or any other mathematical model.

Let's understand a possible algorithmic trading programme with a simple example: Buy 1 lot of EUR/USD when its 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average; Sell 1 lot of EUR/USD when its 50-day moving average crosses below its 200-day moving average.

These two simple instructions are enough to create an algorithmic trading programme. When it is implemented, the computer will monitor price movements and enter buy or sell orders when the conditions specified in the programme are met. This will continue without human intervention until someone disables the computer programme.

Advantages of algorithmic trading

Algorithmic trading offers many advantages in the currency markets. One of the main ones is that trades are always made at the best possible price. Due to the instantaneous placement of market orders, the probability of execution increases significantly. Immediate execution of trades eliminates the possibility of slippage, which also helps to reduce transaction costs. Algorithms constantly monitor market conditions, eliminating the risk of manual order entry errors, and backtesting is particularly useful for determining the profitability of an algorithmic strategy, eliminating trading errors due to psychological and emotional factors.

Algorithms at the service of investors and traders

Currently, algorithmic trading is mainly carried out by large institutional investors and falls under the category of high-frequency trading (HFT). It is a technique that attempts to capitalise on even small price changes by placing multiple orders in multiple markets based on a large number of decision instructions. Algorithmic trading is used not only by institutions but also by a wide range of investors and traders. For example, buy-side firms such as insurance companies, investment or pension funds often use algorithmic trading to open large positions without influencing price.

Sell-side traders, including arbitrageurs, speculators and market makers, can also benefit from algorithmic trading. For them, it is a way to improve market liquidity and optimise their trading strategies, which in turn helps to make markets more efficient and stable. Systematic traders, such as hedge funds or trend followers, find algorithmic trading much more effective than manual trading. It allows them to react faster to market changes and follow their trading strategy more precisely, which can greatly increase their chances of success.

Such a system offers a more systematic approach to trading, which many people find more effective than trading on instinct or intuition. There are a number of algorithmic trading strategies that utilise market opportunities to increase or enhance a trader's profitability, below we outline some of the most common strategies in the currency markets.

Trend following

These strategies utilise technical indicators (moving averages, price levels, breakouts, support and resistance levels) and are designed to track major trends. They are easy to implement algorithmically and are usually very successful when the right indicators are used. Trades are based on the occurrence of underlying trends, which is easy to implement programmatically without worrying about forecasting algorithms. One of the most popular trend following strategies uses the 50-day and 200-day moving averages.

Arbitrage opportunities

Buying in one market at a lower price and simultaneously selling in another at a higher price is a type of trading known as arbitrage. This type provides risk-free profits, but it is extremely difficult for humans to realise as arbitrage opportunities can only exist for a few seconds. However, an algorithm is very effective in this type of strategy because it can make trades immediately, and it is capable of making hundreds or thousands of trades per minute. This can be a very effective way to generate risk-free profits.

Index fund rebalancing

All index funds have a certain period of time to adjust their assets to the benchmark they are tracking. This opens up arbitrage opportunities for algorithmic traders who can capitalise on rebalancing by selecting assets to buy just before its period. Such trades are most optimally executed algorithmically to take advantage of the best timing and get the best prices.

Mathematical models

There are several mathematical models (such as the delta-neutral trading strategy) that have proven to be effective in multi-position trading, compensating for positive and negative deltas. These deltas are ratios that compare the change in the price of an asset to the corresponding change in the price of its derivative instrument, such as a futures or option. The goal is to ensure that the total delta of all open positions is balanced and equal to zero. Obviously, the best way to do this is to use an algorithm that can easily
calculate these values and place multiple orders simultaneously.

Range trading (mean reversion)

The mean reversion strategy is based on the concept that high and low prices are temporary, and the price of any asset will return to an average level after a period of time spent at extremes. If a trader can define a range and implement an algorithm based on it, trades will be automatically executed whenever an asset moves out of its normal range.

Volume weighted average price (VWAP)

The strategy is popular among funds where they need to buy large quantities of a particular currency but do not want to influence the price. The algorithm breaks a large order into smaller pieces and then executes these pieces using historical volume data. The goal is to execute each order close to the volume-weighted average price. A similar algorithm does the same thing using evenly spaced time frames and is called a time-weighted average price strategy.

Percentage of volume (POV)

This is another strategy to fulfil a large order in small portions so that the average price remains stable. In this strategy, small portions of the entire order are executed sequentially according to predetermined volume and price parameters. This continues until the entire order is completely fulfilled. The strategy minimises the impact of a large order on the market price, providing a more stable and predictable trading environment.

Deficit realisation

This strategy aims to minimise the cost of fulfilling an order by using volume flexibility depending on market conditions. The basic idea is to increase order volume when the spread narrows and decrease it when the spread widens. What does this mean in practice? Imagine that the market is like an ocean with a constantly changing wave width (spread). When the wave becomes narrower, it signals smaller fluctuations and you can safely increase the volume of your trades. Conversely, when the wave widens, it signals higher volatility and risk, and it is then worth reducing volume to avoid unnecessary costs.

Beyond typical algorithms

In addition to typical trading algorithms, there is a special class that seeks to detect other algorithms already trading and then take the opposite position to those trades. Thus, an algorithm may detect a large buy order that is being executed algorithmically and then seek ways to hedge those orders by buying the currency at lower prices and selling it to the algorithm at higher prices. Such algorithms are sometimes referred to as highly technical outperformance algorithms.

Technical requirements for algorithmic trading

Implementing a trading algorithm is the last step in creating an algorithmic Forex trading strategy. Before you start implementing the algorithm, you need to do extensive testing to ensure the likelihood of profitability. Remember that once you implement an algorithmic trading system, it will work regardless of whether trades win or lose. The challenge is to translate the strategy you come up with into a computer programme that can successfully trade the currency market.

Most people are not going to create their own Forex trading algorithms, but knowing how they are created and how they work is useful. In some cases, it is possible to trade with an algorithm trader or company. If you decide to create your own algorithm, there are a few important requirements to consider. Firstly, you will need computer programming skills or the means to hire a programmer. Some traders also prefer to use off-the-shelf software to create algorithms. Secondly, you need access to a trading platform that supports algorithmic trading (MT4/MT5, NinjaTrader, etc.). In addition, it is important to have access to up-to-date market data so that your algorithm can function effectively in real time.

Another important aspect is to be able to test your system before putting it into operation. This allows you to ensure that your algorithm is working correctly and can handle different market conditions. Finally, having accurate historical data to backtest the system is a key element. This data allows you to check how your algorithm would have behaved in the past, which helps you identify and fix potential problems before they manifest themselves in real trading.


If you learn how to successfully program your own algorithmic trading systems, you can make your daily life as a trader much easier. However, remember - markets are constantly changing, which means you can't just run a trading algorithm and forget about it. Maintenance is just as important as creating an algorithm. It's important to perform regular checks if you don't want to open your trading platform one day and find that market conditions have changed and your algorithm made a loss while you were inattentive.


Q: What is algorithmic Forex trading?
A: Algorithmic Forex trading is an automated method of trading currencies using computer programmes to execute trades based on predetermined rules.

Q: What are the advantages of algorithmic trading?
A: Algorithmic trading eliminates trader's emotions, increases market liquidity, reduces the likelihood of errors and allows you to trade faster and more often than a human.

Q: How do algorithmic trading programmes work?
A: The programmes use a set of rules based on price, time or mathematical models to automatically buy or sell currencies.

Q: What resources are needed for algorithmic trading?
A: Algorithmic trading requires programming skills, access to a trading platform that supports algorithmic trading, current market data and historical data for backtesting.

Q: What trading platforms support algorithmic trading?
A: Popular platforms include MetaTrader 4 and 5, NinjaTrader and others that provide the necessary tools to create and test algorithms.
Ольга Ларина
07-19-2024, 08:13 AM #1

Algorithmic Forex trading is an automated method that uses computer programmes to trade currencies based on a predetermined set of rules. The theoretical benefits of using algorithmic trading include eliminating trader emotion, increasing market liquidity, and the ability to trade much more often and faster than a human could. The rules defined in an algorithmic trading programme can be based on price, time or any other mathematical model.

Let's understand a possible algorithmic trading programme with a simple example: Buy 1 lot of EUR/USD when its 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average; Sell 1 lot of EUR/USD when its 50-day moving average crosses below its 200-day moving average.

These two simple instructions are enough to create an algorithmic trading programme. When it is implemented, the computer will monitor price movements and enter buy or sell orders when the conditions specified in the programme are met. This will continue without human intervention until someone disables the computer programme.

Advantages of algorithmic trading

Algorithmic trading offers many advantages in the currency markets. One of the main ones is that trades are always made at the best possible price. Due to the instantaneous placement of market orders, the probability of execution increases significantly. Immediate execution of trades eliminates the possibility of slippage, which also helps to reduce transaction costs. Algorithms constantly monitor market conditions, eliminating the risk of manual order entry errors, and backtesting is particularly useful for determining the profitability of an algorithmic strategy, eliminating trading errors due to psychological and emotional factors.

Algorithms at the service of investors and traders

Currently, algorithmic trading is mainly carried out by large institutional investors and falls under the category of high-frequency trading (HFT). It is a technique that attempts to capitalise on even small price changes by placing multiple orders in multiple markets based on a large number of decision instructions. Algorithmic trading is used not only by institutions but also by a wide range of investors and traders. For example, buy-side firms such as insurance companies, investment or pension funds often use algorithmic trading to open large positions without influencing price.

Sell-side traders, including arbitrageurs, speculators and market makers, can also benefit from algorithmic trading. For them, it is a way to improve market liquidity and optimise their trading strategies, which in turn helps to make markets more efficient and stable. Systematic traders, such as hedge funds or trend followers, find algorithmic trading much more effective than manual trading. It allows them to react faster to market changes and follow their trading strategy more precisely, which can greatly increase their chances of success.

Such a system offers a more systematic approach to trading, which many people find more effective than trading on instinct or intuition. There are a number of algorithmic trading strategies that utilise market opportunities to increase or enhance a trader's profitability, below we outline some of the most common strategies in the currency markets.

Trend following

These strategies utilise technical indicators (moving averages, price levels, breakouts, support and resistance levels) and are designed to track major trends. They are easy to implement algorithmically and are usually very successful when the right indicators are used. Trades are based on the occurrence of underlying trends, which is easy to implement programmatically without worrying about forecasting algorithms. One of the most popular trend following strategies uses the 50-day and 200-day moving averages.

Arbitrage opportunities

Buying in one market at a lower price and simultaneously selling in another at a higher price is a type of trading known as arbitrage. This type provides risk-free profits, but it is extremely difficult for humans to realise as arbitrage opportunities can only exist for a few seconds. However, an algorithm is very effective in this type of strategy because it can make trades immediately, and it is capable of making hundreds or thousands of trades per minute. This can be a very effective way to generate risk-free profits.

Index fund rebalancing

All index funds have a certain period of time to adjust their assets to the benchmark they are tracking. This opens up arbitrage opportunities for algorithmic traders who can capitalise on rebalancing by selecting assets to buy just before its period. Such trades are most optimally executed algorithmically to take advantage of the best timing and get the best prices.

Mathematical models

There are several mathematical models (such as the delta-neutral trading strategy) that have proven to be effective in multi-position trading, compensating for positive and negative deltas. These deltas are ratios that compare the change in the price of an asset to the corresponding change in the price of its derivative instrument, such as a futures or option. The goal is to ensure that the total delta of all open positions is balanced and equal to zero. Obviously, the best way to do this is to use an algorithm that can easily
calculate these values and place multiple orders simultaneously.

Range trading (mean reversion)

The mean reversion strategy is based on the concept that high and low prices are temporary, and the price of any asset will return to an average level after a period of time spent at extremes. If a trader can define a range and implement an algorithm based on it, trades will be automatically executed whenever an asset moves out of its normal range.

Volume weighted average price (VWAP)

The strategy is popular among funds where they need to buy large quantities of a particular currency but do not want to influence the price. The algorithm breaks a large order into smaller pieces and then executes these pieces using historical volume data. The goal is to execute each order close to the volume-weighted average price. A similar algorithm does the same thing using evenly spaced time frames and is called a time-weighted average price strategy.

Percentage of volume (POV)

This is another strategy to fulfil a large order in small portions so that the average price remains stable. In this strategy, small portions of the entire order are executed sequentially according to predetermined volume and price parameters. This continues until the entire order is completely fulfilled. The strategy minimises the impact of a large order on the market price, providing a more stable and predictable trading environment.

Deficit realisation

This strategy aims to minimise the cost of fulfilling an order by using volume flexibility depending on market conditions. The basic idea is to increase order volume when the spread narrows and decrease it when the spread widens. What does this mean in practice? Imagine that the market is like an ocean with a constantly changing wave width (spread). When the wave becomes narrower, it signals smaller fluctuations and you can safely increase the volume of your trades. Conversely, when the wave widens, it signals higher volatility and risk, and it is then worth reducing volume to avoid unnecessary costs.

Beyond typical algorithms

In addition to typical trading algorithms, there is a special class that seeks to detect other algorithms already trading and then take the opposite position to those trades. Thus, an algorithm may detect a large buy order that is being executed algorithmically and then seek ways to hedge those orders by buying the currency at lower prices and selling it to the algorithm at higher prices. Such algorithms are sometimes referred to as highly technical outperformance algorithms.

Technical requirements for algorithmic trading

Implementing a trading algorithm is the last step in creating an algorithmic Forex trading strategy. Before you start implementing the algorithm, you need to do extensive testing to ensure the likelihood of profitability. Remember that once you implement an algorithmic trading system, it will work regardless of whether trades win or lose. The challenge is to translate the strategy you come up with into a computer programme that can successfully trade the currency market.

Most people are not going to create their own Forex trading algorithms, but knowing how they are created and how they work is useful. In some cases, it is possible to trade with an algorithm trader or company. If you decide to create your own algorithm, there are a few important requirements to consider. Firstly, you will need computer programming skills or the means to hire a programmer. Some traders also prefer to use off-the-shelf software to create algorithms. Secondly, you need access to a trading platform that supports algorithmic trading (MT4/MT5, NinjaTrader, etc.). In addition, it is important to have access to up-to-date market data so that your algorithm can function effectively in real time.

Another important aspect is to be able to test your system before putting it into operation. This allows you to ensure that your algorithm is working correctly and can handle different market conditions. Finally, having accurate historical data to backtest the system is a key element. This data allows you to check how your algorithm would have behaved in the past, which helps you identify and fix potential problems before they manifest themselves in real trading.


If you learn how to successfully program your own algorithmic trading systems, you can make your daily life as a trader much easier. However, remember - markets are constantly changing, which means you can't just run a trading algorithm and forget about it. Maintenance is just as important as creating an algorithm. It's important to perform regular checks if you don't want to open your trading platform one day and find that market conditions have changed and your algorithm made a loss while you were inattentive.


Q: What is algorithmic Forex trading?
A: Algorithmic Forex trading is an automated method of trading currencies using computer programmes to execute trades based on predetermined rules.

Q: What are the advantages of algorithmic trading?
A: Algorithmic trading eliminates trader's emotions, increases market liquidity, reduces the likelihood of errors and allows you to trade faster and more often than a human.

Q: How do algorithmic trading programmes work?
A: The programmes use a set of rules based on price, time or mathematical models to automatically buy or sell currencies.

Q: What resources are needed for algorithmic trading?
A: Algorithmic trading requires programming skills, access to a trading platform that supports algorithmic trading, current market data and historical data for backtesting.

Q: What trading platforms support algorithmic trading?
A: Popular platforms include MetaTrader 4 and 5, NinjaTrader and others that provide the necessary tools to create and test algorithms.

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